Suite 101, 1220 West Market Street
Wilmington, Delaware  U.S.A. 19901
Tel: 1-302-123-7777

Video Nystagmography Testing
We offer VNG services to physicians who want to bring ancillary services in-house. Please review the features and benefits of on-site VNG testing.

Contact us or give us a call to schedule a meeting to discuss how we can meet your needs.

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Benefits of the Video Nystagmography Testing:
-Provides viable medical documentation for managing dizziness, assessing psychoactive medication over-use, and prevents potential falls for those at risk.
-Patient types:  Hx of vertigo, active dizziness, osteoporosis, over 60 years old, compromised vestibular function for central or peripheral influences, and patients with known degenerative conditions or brain injury.
-VNG technology is widely accepted as preventive medicine because it's more effective to assess and prevent fall injuries/deaths than the alternative of hip surgeries, decreased quality of life for patients, etc.
-Even patients that claim "I never experience dizziness." may have a centrally compensated vestibulopathy.
-Depending on the VNG findings, billable training exercises and canalith repositioning maneuvers may be warranted. Other outcomes may include neurological consults and additional neuroimaging such as a CT/MRI of the Brain, IACs, and Carotids.
Statistics from the CDC about falls.
Vestibular Training Videos
Saccadic Training Exercises
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